Raising News-Savvy Kids
“We need to teach children from a young age how to become their own reporters. We can do this by teaching them to have an open mind, to seek out multiple sources and to dig for information in its rawest form. ”
I recently sat down with L.A. Parent Magazine to chat about raising "news-savvy" children. It's such a difficult topic - but it's one ALL PARENTS FACE - every single day. It's an impossible topic to tackle in a single article, but it's crucial to have this conversation. How to empower our children - how to teach them to be smart news consumers - and what we can do as parents to lead from a position of positivity -- ALL of this matters to me, and I'm guessing it's something you care deeply about as well. Here's the article!
“Technology has changed the way we gather news and how consumers process it. As a parent and as a journalist, I am trying to encourage my children to stretch their attention spans beyond 140 characters to find the real story.”
This is a topic I care passionately about - and it was also the focus of my recent TED x Hollywood talk.
I know we live in a time where no one seems to trust the media. As a member of the media for the past 16 years, I definitely have an opinion about this. Maybe my take on it all will surprise you.
My speech is entitled, "Hate the Media? So do I. And I'm a Reporter."